Don't Overlook These Simple Tips in Maintaining a Diesel Engine
Posted on: 18 June 2017
A diesel engine is very rugged and durable, which is why it's often chosen for larger cars and trucks, and for any tow vehicle. However, a diesel engine is not indestructible, and the way you maintain and care for the engine will greatly affect its overall longevity and durability. Note a few simple tips that are easy to overlook when it comes to maintaining and diesel engine, so you can avoid some common mistakes and always have an engine that is in good repair and running efficiently.
Diesel engines don't work with spark plugs, so they don't need a standard tune-up that you would give to a petrol-driven car, as those types of tune-ups usually involve changing those plugs. A diesel engine does, however, work with what are called glow plugs, which provide a small amount of heat that is used by the engine to start. These plugs should be checked regularly, especially during wintertime, to ensure they're working properly.
A tune-up for a diesel engine also includes changing the fuel, oil and air filters; this is very important, as diesel fuel can get full of sediment and debris, and those filters can get clogged easily. Don't overlook the need for this type of tune-up in your diesel engine.
The gaskets for a diesel engine typically wear out much sooner than those for standard petrol engines. These gaskets work under tremendous heat and pressure, so they're likely to get worn and thin sooner than you might realize. Don't overlook checking them regularly, even as often as you change the vehicle's oil. Failure to replace them can mean fuel and oil leaks, and even more wear and tear on the vehicle's engine.
Not all diesel fuel is alike, and it's vital that you use quality fuel in your diesel engine, since that engine runs hotter than a petrol engine and may be working harder to support a heavier vehicle. If you fill up at a certain station and notice your vehicle is struggling or sputtering, let the engine run until the fuel tank is near empty and then fill the tank elsewhere. Use a diesel treatment additive as often as recommended in your vehicle's owner's manual, to keep the engine and fuel lines clean.
You might also investigate using bio-fuel for your diesel engine. This fuel is made with food scraps and other biodegradable waste. Not only does it run cleaner than standard fuel, with fewer fumes and emissions, but it can mean less sediment and build-up in the diesel engine itself.
Contact a company like Cummins South Pacific for more information and assistance.